The first edition of the Iasul traditional, ecological, mountain cuisine fair has ended

The first edition of the Iasul traditional, ecological, mountain cuisine fair has ended

Fair of Producers from the North-East Development Region, Iași

Between 9-10 July, the Fair of Producers from the North-East Development Region, Iași took place in traditional, ecological, mountain dishes, a fair organized by the Iași City Hall, the Romanian Academy Iași Branch and the Iași County Agriculture Directorate, in the Exhibition Park, Central Alley.

We would like to thank the consumers who visited the fair in a number of at least 7000 people. Their trust in local producers contributed to the very pleasant atmosphere of the fair. We also want to thank the producers for the fact that their seriousness and the quality of the products presented to the consumers in Iași contributed to the success of this fair.

The success of this fair is due to both parties: both producers and consumers who resonated in a very large number in terms of attendance at the fair. Such results lead us to believe that such an event must be continued and even developed as a tradition in our food systems and cultures.

Thanks also go to the media partners, who contributed fully to the media coverage of the event.

Through this fair, we set out to:

  • to bring together high-quality and serious food producers and urban consumers who want to consume more and more healthily,
  • to create new gastronomic experiences, through direct communication between consumers and producers,
  • to stimulate trust between consumer and producer,
  • to provide the opportunity for correct consumer information and, of course,
  • to give producers the opportunity to become consumers’ friends.

During the fair, a series of workshops were also organized with children and adults, to stimulate healthy eating behavior. Workshops organized during the fair:

  • Cooking workshop with products from producers present at the fair – Soft and Grace
  • What are organic, traditionally certified, mountain products? – Iași County Agriculture Directorate and the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
  • The magic of colored noodles – Garden Noodles and Solo Pasta
  • What can two skilled hands do? – The Mill Store
  • The world of bees – Bio Prisaca Moldova
  • Cooking demonstration with Organic products (Taina Vie Honey and Zorian Oil) with Dana Burlacu Visternicu
  • The colorful vegetables of Scufița – Scufița from Homita
  • Colored pasta necklaces – Garden Noodles and Solo Pasta
  • The Adventures of Morcoveață – Everything Normal
  • A culinary story with Frau Ulman – Mihaela Ulman

Also during the fair, we conducted a series of interviews with producers to find out the story of their success and to inform us about the problems they encounter in their activity. The information will be used in the process of stimulating policies for sustainable urban food systems.


  • Primăria Municipiului Iași, 
  • Academia Română, Filiala Iași, 
  • Direcția pentru Agricultură județeană Iași, 
  • cu sprijinul Universității de Științele Vieții „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” 
  • și al Asociației producătorilor locali Produs în Iași.

Local producers:

Media Partners:

The event is organized within the Cities2030 Project, a project financed by the European Commission through the Horizon2020 program ( Iași City Hall and the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch, are the Romanian partners in this project, along with 39 other partners from European countries. The event is an activity of the innovative hub Food for Iași Living Lab (, developed within the Cities2030 project by Iași City Hall and the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch.

Acest târg are și o componentă de intervenție socio-economică, prin facilitarea comunicării dintre consumatori și producătorii alimentari, dar și o componentă de cercetare, prin scanarea problemelor și oportunităților de business așa cum sunt ele înțelese chiar de producători, în urban and regional food systems. 


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