Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and sustainable development of urban and rural food systems.
⦾ Scientific research and development of urban food systems
⦾ Living & Policy Lab Dimensions
⦾ City and Region Food System (CRFS) Laboratory
⦾ Systems Thinking Laboratory
⦾ RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem integration
⦾ Synergies with RoRuralia living & policy lab
⦾ Stakeholders Community for multi-actor participatory knowledge actions
⦾ Scientific experiments tested in real life environments
Urban and Region Food Systems is the main framework for knowledge and action in urban, rural and regional systems for FILL.
The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Rural & Urban Systems Laboratory within RDRP Research Platform.
This is the FILL research laboratory to explore, learn, debate, and understand the philosophy, ethics, and epistemology behind the Systems Thinking Theories.
The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Systems Thinking Laboratory within RDRP Research Platform.
This is the FILL research laboratory to explore the theories and methodologies for innovative and integrated knowledge management.
The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Living & Policy Labs Laboratory, within RDRP Research Platform.
Open Science Laboratory is dedicated to researching and supporting open participatory knowledge based on open science toolkits, methodologies, and research.
The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Living & Policy Labs Laboratory, within RDRP Research Platform.
This is the FILL research laboratory to explore the theories and methodologies for developing responsible systems in research and innovation.
The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Living & Policy Labs Laboratory, within RDRP Research Platform.
FILL knowledge actions are functioning in integrated synergies with similar or complementary projects and actions.
The papers published in the current issue are based on the scientific papers presented at the International Anthrozoology Symposium, held in 2022, as synergy with Cities2030 project, related to the issue of urban socioeconomic systems, within the innovative hub FILL.
These experiments are developed within the 2 FILL research laboratories in synergy with the 4 RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem laboratories.
FILL developed 2 symposiums to support the scientific research dissemination
Symposiums Synergies
FILL Knowledge Communities include large groups of stakeholders and beneficiaries. However, the stakeholders are links in the epistemic chains for knowledge production, management, and implementation.
As part of the Cities2030 project, the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, and the Iasi City Hall launched the Food for Iași Living Iasi.
Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and sustainable development of urban and rural food systems.
FILL is built in the quadruple helix model and has the following collaborators: