FILL Research

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Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and sustainable development of urban and rural food systems.

Research system

⦾ Scientific research and development of urban food systems
⦾ Living & Policy Lab Dimensions
⦾ City and Region Food System (CRFS) Laboratory
⦾ Systems Thinking Laboratory
⦾ RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem integration
⦾ Synergies with RoRuralia living & policy lab
⦾ Stakeholders Community for multi-actor participatory knowledge actions 
⦾ Scientific experiments tested in real life environments

Research Laboratories

Urban & CRF Systems Laboratory

Urban and Region Food Systems is the main framework for knowledge and action in urban, rural and regional systems for FILL. 

The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Rural & Urban Systems Laboratory within RDRP Research Platform.


Systems Thinking Laboratory

This is the FILL research laboratory to explore, learn, debate, and understand the philosophy, ethics, and epistemology behind the Systems Thinking Theories.

The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Systems Thinking Laboratory within RDRP Research Platform.


Knowledge Management Laboratory

This is the FILL research laboratory to explore the theories and methodologies for innovative and integrated knowledge management.

The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Living & Policy Labs Laboratory, within RDRP Research Platform.


Open Science Laboratory is dedicated to researching and supporting open participatory knowledge based on open science toolkits, methodologies, and research. 

The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Living & Policy Labs Laboratory, within RDRP Research Platform.


Responsible Research and Innovation

This is the FILL research laboratory to explore the theories and methodologies for developing responsible systems in research and innovation.

The scientific research of this laboratory is in dynamic integration with Living & Policy Labs Laboratory, within RDRP Research Platform.


Research News

Research Synergies

FILL knowledge actions are functioning in integrated synergies with similar or complementary projects and actions. 

  • RoRuralia Living & Policy Lab
  • Rural Development Research Platform
  • RDRP Ecosystem
  • Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch 
  • “Gh. Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research


Scientific Volumes

  • Non‐human Animals in Open Societies, Coordinated by Irina Frasin, George Bodi, Sonia, Bulei, Codrin Dinu Vasiliu

The papers published in the current issue are based on the scientific papers presented at the International Anthrozoology Symposium, held in 2022, as synergy with Cities2030 project, related to the issue of urban socioeconomic systems, within the innovative hub FILL.

Knowledge Communities

  • FILL is building strong food systems for strong communities. One of the two main epistemic dimensions of FILL is the knowledge development on a scientific basis. 
  • At the same time, the knowledge ecosystem is developed with communities for communities. 

Knowledge Values

Epistemic Chains of Knowledge
  • Every FILL knowledge value correlates with a link in the epistemic chain of knowledge management. For example, the Participatory Knowledge value correlates with intelligent knowledge production link. 
Scientific Based Knowledge
  • FILL uses scientific research to support the epistemic chains of knowledge. 
Participatory Knowledge
  • FILL supports participatory knowledge for resilient and integrated communities. 
Strategic Knowledge
  • FILL knowledge correlates with intervention actions through activities of making policies and strategies. 
Knowledge Capital
  • FILL developes scientific research for the benefit of the scientific knowledge culture and capital. 
Knowledge Modelling and Replication
  • FILL developes models of good practices to be replicated within other European actions and projects. 
Knowledge for Participatory Governance
  • FILL is developing actions and activities to increase participatory governance. 
Ethical Knowledge
  • FILL knowledge is made on an ethical basis, with respect to durability, sustainability, inclusivity, environment protection, healthy life, anthrozoological biopolitics, and respect for every person and life being. 
Systems Thinking Based Knowledge
  • FILL is fully aware of urban and regional food systems’ complexity. In this respect, FILL is using systems thinking methodology and philosophy for scientific research and knowledge management.  
Knowledge in Action
  • FILL develops and supports projects and activities for intelligent intervention in urban & rural systems.  
Knowledge Sovereignty
  • FILL scientific research and knowledge management is fully independent.  FILL is working in synergy with actions, projects, and entities of similar interests, but its activity is an independent one. 
  • FILL is building post-implementation strategies in order to fully function after the end of the Cities2030 project cycle of implementation. 

Consolidated Knowledge Communities

FILL Knowledge Communities include large groups of stakeholders and beneficiaries. However, the stakeholders are links in the epistemic chains for knowledge production, management, and implementation. 

Iasul in Bucate
  • Iasul in Bucate represents local consumers & local producers community. 
  • Iasul in Bucate is about building a community of trust based on local food traditions and healthy food values. 
  • Iasul in Bucate is also a community of action. One of the most important events of this community is the Iasul in Bucate Local Producers Fair. 
  • Group of stakeholders: over 150 stakeholders.
  • Group of beneficiaries: over 80 000 beneficiaries. 
  • Number of Fairs: 8 fairs in 2022 and 2023. The next editions will be held in the summer of 2024. 
Gust de Iasi
  • Gust de Iasi is a website-based platform financed by the Municipality of Iasi between 2020 and 2022. It is a platform for the important local producers in Iasi, selected on scientific criteria.
  • FILL developed the post-implementation actions for this platform in synergies with Cities2030 project actions. 
  • At this time, Gust de Iasi is fully integrated in FILL ecosystem and is functioning in synergy with the other FILL activities. 
  • Group of stakeholders: over 100 stakeholders.
  • Group of beneficiaries: over 20 000 beneficiaries. 
RDRP Research Hub
  • Rural Development Research Platform is the main core of the RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem and it represents a collaborative and innovative hub dedicated to scientific research and knowledge transfer.
  • The main research fields of the RDRP hub are those scientific domains related to rural and urban systems and their development within the contemporary European Union.
  • At this time, RDRP is supporting 4 research laboratories: Rural & Urban Systems, Living & Policy Labs, Systems Thinking, and Participatory Governance. FILL is working to extend the support for other 3 research laboratories in synergy with its activity: Anthrozoology, Toponymy, and European Projects Ethical Frames.