From a semantic, rhetorical, and allegorical perspective, photography is also constituted as an enlisting form of representation into a certain ideological topos, having a distinct tone, played in a particular discursive rhythm generated by more and less explicit intents. I do not intend to impose the idea of photography constituting itself as a discourse of the sort. Yet it carries this “guilt” provided by its very nature, both of an aesthetic and ideological engineering sort. Because photography is a delineation form of representation, it is exposed to some biopolitics risks. The symbolic programming, ideological authorization, and validation of epistemic relationships of fiction with reality are just a few of these risks. These risks can have even worse effects in terms of biopolitics.
This presentation is made in synergy with Cities2030 project. The content of this presentation does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the authors.
#Cities2030, #ARFI, #Anthrozoology, #FILL