FILL Partners

Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and sustainable development of urban and rural food systems.


⦾ Scientific research and development of urban food systems
⦾ Supporting local producers
⦾ Knowing and promoting the local gastronomic culture
⦾ Developing participatory governance
⦾ Developing synergies with urban and rural system development actions and projects

Rural Development Research Platform is an NGO in the city of Iasi from Romania (Nort-East Region) oriented on sustainable development of the rural and urban systems.

RDRP is built on an integrated knowledge ecosystem consisting in an innovative platform for research, knowledge management and transfer, capacity building, and support for stakeholders communities.

RoRuralia aims primarily at connecting stakeholders from the Romanian North East Development Region to identify and assess the particular issues of the rural and urban systems. RoRuralia’s strategies are based on scientific research. The most important dimensions of RoRuralia are as such: 

  • Living Lab Dimension is innovation-oriented, based on scientific research, and co-creation.
  • Policy Lab Dimension is based on multi-actor and strategic actions.
  • Synergies are supported by all stakeholders and beneficiaries.
  • RDRP Ecosystem Integration.