Communicators Community – 28th of February 2024
The training seminar introduces the methods for developing and managing the communicator communities.
Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and sustainable development of urban and rural food systems.
⦾ Events in Iasi Food System
⦾ Events in Region Food Systems
⦾ Dissemination Actions
⦾ Synergies with similar projects, labs or actions
⦾ News from RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem
The training seminar introduces the methods for developing and managing the communicator communities.
During the seminar, some free tools that support collaborative research and the dissemination of research results will be presented:
GitHub, Open Science Framework, Figshare, ZOTERO.
During the seminar, the methods of construction and presentation of Google Slides type slides will be presented.
During the seminar, the ways of building and managing a Google form for research projects will be presented. .
In the seminar, a semi-automatic methodology for centralizing the citations of scientific articles, studies and volumes, as well as any other type of deliverable of scientific research activity, will be presented.
During the seminar, the digital tools on the Google Drive digital platform will be presented. These tools can also be used in scientific research, project management or communication and dissemination activities.
Because photography is a delineation form of representation, it is exposed to some biopolitics risks. The symbolic programming, ideological authorization, and validation of epistemic relationships of fiction with reality are just a few of these risks. These risks can have even worse effects in terms of biopolitics.
The RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem has the objective of integrating urban and rural knowledge and intervention actions. In this respect, we launch today the RoRuralia Living Lab component of the ecosystem. RoRuralia Living Lab is developed within RURALITIES project, and supports the rural synergies for Food for Iasi Living Lab. Those
Bread is the basic food in our diet. Here in Iasi, we are lucky. The only sourdough bread certified Traditional Product in Romania is produced in Probota and we can find it on the shelves of Magazia Moraritei – Hearth-baked sourdough bread. Saturday and Sunday Magazia Moraritei – Baked mayo
Today we celebrate the National Day of Romanian Agri-Food Products. We should celebrate the peasants, small farmers, and small processors daily. How can we do this? Simple, buying Romanian agri-food products, Traditional Certified Products, Ecologically Certified, Montain Certified Products or made by the small producers we know. You don’t even
Dacia Market (Piata Dacia) is an agri-food market located roughly on the border between two neighborhoods of the city of Iasi. For years I walked past it and felt some sadness that it was no longer working. Not for a few years. For at least 10 years, I expected it
The Rural Worlds Symposium has a new digital place. The Agro-Economy and Rural Anthropology Symposium now resides at Visit us because it has everything, but especially conferences, stories, and books about rural worlds. The SAAR Symposium is part of the RDRP Ecosystem and is in synergy with the #GustDeIasi,
The chances of a healthy diet in a food system increase when the system integrates the two sides of the food culture: the urban worlds and the rural worlds. In a society overwhelmed by almost automatic food consumption, the organic links between the rural and urban worlds have been severed
Stands of local producers were placed, where consumers from Iași could purchase, directly from the producers, seasonal fruits but also products made according to traditional recipes: syrups , jams etc. The event was organized by Iași City Hall in collaboration with the Iași County Agriculture Department and the Romanian Academy,
Between 20-21 May 2023, Iași City Hall, the Romanian Academy – Iași Branch, Iași County Agriculture Directorate, the University of Life Sciences, and the Association of Local Producers “Made in Iași” organized the Iași in traditional, ecological, mountain and artisan cuisine event. The fair brought together over 35 producers from
Between 21-25 February, the implementation team of the Cities2030 Co-creating resIlient and susTaInable food systEms towardsS FOOD2030 project met in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam and Haarlem, for a joint event to present the partial results as well as the activities carried out within the 18 Living Labs developed by the project. The
Around the winter holidays, on 15 December 2022, the French Cultural Institute in Iași hosted a community of producers and consumers within the municipality of Iași. The local producers, members of the Gust de Iași platform, prepared a delicious dinner, with selected dishes, fine aromas of lavender, and selected wines
Les fêtes de fin d’année sont associées aux bonheurs de la table, de la cuisine et des retrouvailles familiales ou amicales. Elles sont l’occasion d’apprécier des plats consacrés, ceux qui font le lien générationnel au sein d’une famille, elles sont aussi l’occasion de découvertes culinaires. Ces plaisirs de la table
In November 2022, within the innovative Food for Iași Living Lab hub, Iași City Hall organized a series of information and education activities for children in schools about healthy eating, respectively the benefits of consuming honey. The purpose of the briefings was to raise children awareness on the importance of healthy food
September 23 is the international day of organic agriculture, which is why, on September 24-25, 2022, between 10:00 and 21:00, we invite you to visit the Producers’ Fair from the North-East Development Region, Iașul in traditional dishes, ecological, mountain and artisanal, fair organized by the Iași City Hall, the Romanian
Between 9-10 July, the Fair of Producers from the North-East Development Region, Iași took place in traditional, ecological, mountain dishes, a fair organized by the Iași City Hall, the Romanian Academy Iași Branch and the Iași County Agriculture Directorate, in the Exhibition Park, Central Alley. We would like to thank
The Iașul Fair in traditional, ecological, mountain cuisine, an event organized as part of the #Cities2030 project, was presented on TeleM television by Ioan Sebastian Brumă, coordinator of the Food for Iași Living Lab hub, and Gabi Hoha, director of the Iași County Agriculture Directorate.
Yesterday, May 24, 2022, the workshop Policies and Strategies for the Development of the Food System took place in Iași. The event was organized within the Food for Iasi Living Lab hub by the Iasi City Hall and the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. The meeting was dedicated to discussions with
The Cities2030 project was presented as a model of good practices in the hub Connect Nord-Est Newsletter. The newsletter is a digital media channel in the North-East Development Region in Romania.
Yesterday, February 23, 2022, a workshop took place in the Food for Iași Living Lab. The purpose of the meeting with the Association of Local Products Producers in Iasi was to outline the agenda of events for the year 2022. The agenda was correlated with the needs expressed by the
As part of the Cities2030 project, the Romanian Academy, the Iași Branch, and the Iași City Hall, in collaboration with the Rural Development Research Platform and the Association of Local Producers Produced in Iași, launched the Food for Iași Living Iași platform. Food for Iași Living Lab is designed as
As part of the Cities2030 project, the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, and the Iasi City Hall launched the Food for Iași Living Iasi.
Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and sustainable development of urban and rural food systems.
FILL is built in the quadruple helix model and has the following collaborators: