Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and sustainable development of urban and rural food systems.
⦾ Iasul in Bucate First Edition
⦾ Iasul in Bucate Second Edition
⦾ Iasul in Bucate Third Edition
⦾ Iasul in Bucate Fourth Edition
⦾ Iasul in Bucate Fifth Edition
⦾ Iasul in Bucate Sixth Edition
⦾ Iasul in Bucate SeventhEdition
⦾ Weekend Local Producers Fair
⦾ Satul in Bucate Fair
⦾ Festivalul Iei Fair
⦾ Festivalul Cireselor Fair
As part of the Cities2030 project, the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, and the Iasi City Hall launched the Food for Iași Living Iasi.
Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and sustainable development of urban and rural food systems.
FILL is built in the quadruple helix model and has the following collaborators: