French Cultural Institute in Iași hosted a community of producers and consumers within Iasi

French Cultural Institute in Iași hosted a community of producers and consumers within Iasi

The local producers, members of the Gust de Iași platform, prepared a delicious dinner, with selected dishes,  fine aromas of lavender, and selected wines for the guests

Around the winter holidays, on 15 December 2022, the French Cultural Institute in Iași hosted a community of producers and consumers within the municipality of Iași.

The local producers, members of the Gust de Iași platform, prepared a delicious dinner, with selected dishes,  fine aromas of lavender, and selected wines for the guests.

The culinary experience offered by Magazia Morăriței – Bread with leaven baked on the hearth, Carmangeria Cu Gust (Tasty steakhouse), Pui de drag – goat dairy, Zorian Oil, Stupina BIO Taina Vie, Garden Noodles-Tasty Pasta, VEERA, OnLeaf, Madre Pizza with leaven, Tat Normal and Strunga Winery was unforgettable.

This activity was carried out within the Food for Iasi Living Lab innovative hub, the CITIES2030 – “FOOD 2030 – Empowering cities as agents of food system transformation” project financed by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program and implemented at the level of Iasi County by the Municipality of Iasi and the Romanian Academy – Iași branch.

Text: Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Food for Iasi Living Lab