Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and durable development of urban and rural food systems.
⦾ RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem
⦾ Knowledge management on short food supply chains
⦾ Iasul in Bucate. Local producers fair
⦾ Local producers’ agrifood market
⦾ Euristic food workshops for kids
⦾ Participatory governance
⦾ Facilitators Toolkit for Sakeholder Communities
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 7 – system prototype demonstration in an operational environment
We experiment with a super-hub structure as a knowledge ecosystem for all our innovative and strategic actions in urban and rural systems. This is RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem, and it includes:
RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem is the integrated infrastructure that supports the activities in all our projects, synergies, and postimplementation actions.
At the same time, we are doing scientific research to observe the problems and possible solutions for knowledge ecosystem super-hubs, as integrated solutions for European projects.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 4 – Technology validated in the lab
Local producers have great challenges in penetrating food markets in urban systems. These are complex challenges and must be addressed with systemic knowledge and actions. In Cities2030 project, FILL Romanian Living & Policy Lab built a community of stakeholders where the local producers gave a voice to their challenges in accessing the food markets in the city of Iasi.
We addressed these problems with a multi-actor approach, using a quadruple helix model, with the involvement of representatives from academia, entrepreneurship, governance, and civil society. They suggested systemic solutions to improve access to urban food markets for local producers.
FILL tested these solutions with scientific tools and drew some conclusions. These research activities made available to us the necessary tools for useful strategies and methodologies in addressing these problems from the local producers’ point of view.
Our findings will be made available for local producers in public reports.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 9 – The actual system is proven in an operational environment
One of the most important challenges for Food for Iasi Living Lab was to build a community of trust in the relationship between urban consumers and local producers. Healthy food, short food supply chains, fair prices, local food, food waste, organic food, gastronomy culture, and participatory knowledge are some of the issues addressed in our innovative and strategic actions for building this community of trust for urban consumers and local producers.
The public space for this community of trust is the local producers’ fair Iasul in Bucate (Iasi in Traditional Food).
FILL organized 7 editions for this fair now, with a participation of over 60.000 beneficiaries. The fair is now a permanent event in the city of Iasi and is already making its contribution to the quality of life for urban consumers and local producers.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 9 – The actual system is proven in an operational environment
FILL organized food workshops for kids in the local producers’ fairs organized by the Cities2030 project in Iasi.
In these workshops, the trainers stimulated the heuristic participation of the children in learning the benefits of the healthy food and the good practices for a healthy food behavior.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
FILL develops a social game to stimulate heuristic behavior in stakeholder workshops.
The game is based on systems thinking methodologies for identifying problems in urban food systems and involving stakeholders in intelligent solutions to solve these problems.
The game is Monopoly-type and simulates real behaviors in food systems, for the benefit of behaviors that contribute to the durability and sustainability of the food system.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 9 – The actual system is proven in an operational environment
FILL implemented public presentations in schools, offering information on healthy food behaviors for kids.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
In synergy with RoRuralia Living & policy Lab and RURALITIES project, FILL is testing various methods to stimulate participatory governance in urban and rural systems.
The results of these actions is providing FILL laboratories with strategic tools to improve the intelligence and motivation for the participatory culture in food systems.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
In the research activities of the Romanian living & policy labs, we are developing a set of tools to support facilitators in their action to build project stakeholder communities.
The toolkit consists of a set of recommendations, good practices, methodologies, models for knowledge management, digital tools, and hub integration support (support for integration in our research hub within the RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem).
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
The methodological research in FILL laboratories is developing systemic models to gather and structure knowledge within food systems.
FILL Model for Systems Thinking is a complex model for narrative editing of the knowledge gathered from stakeholders.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
The methodological research in FILL laboratories is developing systemic models to gather and structure knowledge within food systems.
The White-Black Model is a hermeneutic model to deal with uncertainty in systems thinking strategies.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 2 – Technology concept formulated
Systems Thinking Vocabulary is a digital tool to support scientific research in systems thinking theories.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 4 – Technology validated in the lab
CRFS Laboratory has the mission to develop the epistemic chain, from scientific research to knowledge transfer, participatory knowledge, policies, strategies, and participatory governance in food systems within contemporary cities and regions.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 7 – System prototype demonstration in an operational environment
Systems Thinking Laboratory has the mission to develop the epistemology for systems thinking theories and methodologies to provide integrated tools for European projects, actions and strategies.
Technology Readiness Level: TRL 2 – Technology concept formulated
Knowledge Laboratory has the mission to develop management and marketing theories and practices to support data management, participatory knowledge, knowledge infrastructure, and stakeholder communities of knowledge in European projects, actions, and strategies.
FILL is staying face to face with two horizons: knowledge and action.
FILL experiments are developed in 3 FILL laboratories, in synergy with 4 laboratories within the RDRP Knowledge Ecosystem.
Every system is a mountain with two ways to the top: rural and urban paths. In this respect, FILL is acting in close synergy with our rural living & policy lab RoRuralia, developed within RURALITIES project.
As part of the Cities2030 project, the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, and the Iasi City Hall launched the Food for Iași Living Iasi.
Food for Iasi Living Lab represents an innovative hub, which supports the collaboration between the main actors in the North-East Region of Romania, for the sustainable and sustainable development of urban and rural food systems.
FILL is built in the quadruple helix model and has the following collaborators: