The chances of a healthy diet in a food system

The chances of a healthy diet in a food system increase when the system integrates the two sides of the food culture: the urban worlds and the rural worlds. In a society overwhelmed by almost automatic food consumption, the organic links between the rural and urban worlds have been severed and almost forgotten. If we […]

Stands of local producers were placed, where consumers from Iași could purchase, directly from the producers, seasonal fruits but also products made according to traditional recipes: syrups , jams etc. The event was organized by Iași City Hall in collaboration with the Iași County Agriculture Department and the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch (Cities2030 Project) with […]
A new fair in town – Iasi in Traditional, Ecological, Mountain and Artisan Cuisine

Between 20-21 May 2023, Iași City Hall, the Romanian Academy – Iași Branch, Iași County Agriculture Directorate, the University of Life Sciences, and the Association of Local Producers “Made in Iași” organized the Iași in traditional, ecological, mountain and artisan cuisine event. The fair brought together over 35 producers from the North East Development Region, […]
Cities2030 project meeting in Amsterdam

Between 21-25 February, the implementation team of the Cities2030 Co-creating resIlient and susTaInable food systEms towardsS FOOD2030 project met in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam and Haarlem, for a joint event to present the partial results as well as the activities carried out within the 18 Living Labs developed by the project. The event was attended by over […]
French Cultural Institute in Iași hosted a community of producers and consumers within Iasi

Around the winter holidays, on 15 December 2022, the French Cultural Institute in Iași hosted a community of producers and consumers within the municipality of Iași. The local producers, members of the Gust de Iași platform, prepared a delicious dinner, with selected dishes, fine aromas of lavender, and selected wines for the guests. The culinary […]
Information and Education Activities – Healthy Food for Children

In November 2022, within the innovative Food for Iași Living Lab hub, Iași City Hall organized a series of information and education activities for children in schools about healthy eating, respectively the benefits of consuming honey. The purpose of the briefings was to raise children awareness on the importance of healthy food choices.Thus, the children were presented […]
The Iașul fair in cuisine presented on TeleM television

The Iașul Fair in traditional, ecological, mountain cuisine, an event organized as part of the #Cities2030 project, was presented on TeleM television by Ioan Sebastian Brumă, coordinator of the Food for Iași Living Lab hub, and Gabi Hoha, director of the Iași County Agriculture Directorate.
Cities2030 as a model of good practices

The Cities2030 project was presented as a model of good practices in the hub Connect Nord-Est Newsletter. The newsletter is a digital media channel in the North-East Development Region in Romania.