Between 21-25 February, the implementation team of the Cities2030 Co-creating resIlient and susTaInable food systEms towardsS FOOD2030 project met in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam and Haarlem, for a joint event to present the partial results as well as the activities carried out within the 18 Living Labs developed by the project.
The event was attended by over 80 people from 41 countries.
From Romania, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch, and Iași City Hall, partners in this international project.
The coordinators of the work packages organized different workshops with the following topics:
- Analysis of data within the laboratories;
- The use of new blockchain-type technologies;
- Measuring innovation in food systems in cities/regions.
An important objective of the project is the signing of the international document MUFPP (Milan Urban Food Policy Pact), in which a workshop was organized to which a representative of the MUFPP secretariat was also invited.
During the Policy Lab Festival, organized in Haarlem, at Koepelhal, the results of the activities carried out so far within the Food for Iași Living Lab (FILL) were presented, in the following directions: research and innovation, public policies, knowledge transfer, knowledge management and facilitating the access of small producers to the market of Iași.
Certified traditional products by Magazia Morăriței and Carmangeria cu Gust, ecologically certified products by Bio Prisaca Moldova, Taină Vie and Zorian, natural sauces and teas from Onleaf and marinated salads from Tăt Normal were presented and offered for tasting, together with craft beer from Capra Noastra and wine from Crama Strunga.
The activities carried out within the Food for Iași Living Lab were appreciated by fellow partners of the consortium, as the laboratory in Iași took first place in an internal competition organized between Cities2030 laboratories.
More details here:
This activity was carried out within the CITIES2030 project funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program.
Article by Ioan Sebastian Brumă